Last Friday, I updated my browser on my Vista laptop to IE8. I then checked my web site with the new browser. Three of my web pages did not render as they did with IE7. After spending a good amount of time tinkering with CSS style sheets and the like, I finally was able to get the web pages to look “similar” in IE7, IE8, and Firefox 3.0.8. What a hassle. Here is some of the code I used to achieve the similar look:
var name = Request.Browser.Browser;
HttpBrowserCapabilities bc;
bc = Request.Browser;
if (name == "IE" && bc.Version == "8.0")
btnSend.Style.Add("margin-left", "205px");
if (name == "IE" && bc.Version == "7.0")
btnSend.CssClass = "txtFloatLeft";
btnSend.Style.Add("margin-left", "172px");
if (name == "Firefox")
btnSend.CssClass = "txtFloatLeft";
btnSend.Style.Add("margin-left", "152px");
I then read an article in Computerworld about browser compatibility. It turns out that Microsoft is making an effort with IE8 to make it much more World Wide Web Consortium (W3W) compliant then previous versions of Internet Explorer. Hence, the rendering changes of my web site with IE8.
One developer in the article suggests devloping your web code first with Firefox and then making the necessary adjustments for the IE browsers.
If you are interested in finding out more about the differences between browsers, here is a good reference that contains compatibility tables for the different browser versions:
While making minor modifications to a table, I would get an error when I tried to save. To fix, go to Tools->Options->Designers->Table and Database Designers and uncheck the Prevent saving chages that require table re-creation in the Tabel Options Group Box.
IntelliSense cache needs to be manually updated after modifying tables. I discovered this "feature" after adding a rowguid column to a table. I then tried to run an automated "Select All Rows" query, and intellisense errors apppeared in the query. I was able to run the query successfully however. The problem was that the IntelliSense cache needed to be updated. It did not have the information about the new rowguid column. To update Intellisense Cache, go to Edit->IntelliSense->Refresh Local Cache (Ctnl+Shift+R). For more information, check out this link:
--Get all table names
Select Name into #tableNames from sysobjects where xtype = 'U' order by 1
Create Table #TableCount (TableName Varchar(100), NoOfRowCount bigint)
declare @name varchar(100)
--declare a cursor to loop through all tables
declare cur cursor for select * from #tableNames
open cur
fetch next from cur into @name while @@fetch_status=0
Insert #TableCount
exec ('select ''' + @name + ''' , count(1) from ' + @name)
print 'Fetching count of table : ' + @name
fetch next from cur into @name
close cur
deallocate cur
--show the data
Select * from #TableCount drop table #tableNames
drop table #TableCount