While making minor modifications to a table, I would get an error when I tried to save. To fix, go to Tools->Options->Designers->Table and Database Designers and uncheck the Prevent saving chages that require table re-creation in the Tabel Options Group Box.
IntelliSense cache needs to be manually updated after modifying tables. I discovered this "feature" after adding a rowguid column to a table. I then tried to run an automated "Select All Rows" query, and intellisense errors apppeared in the query. I was able to run the query successfully however. The problem was that the IntelliSense cache needed to be updated. It did not have the information about the new rowguid column. To update Intellisense Cache, go to Edit->IntelliSense->Refresh Local Cache (Ctnl+Shift+R). For more information, check out this link:
--Get all table names
Select Name into #tableNames from sysobjects where xtype = 'U' order by 1
Create Table #TableCount (TableName Varchar(100), NoOfRowCount bigint)
declare @name varchar(100)
--declare a cursor to loop through all tables
declare cur cursor for select * from #tableNames
open cur
fetch next from cur into @name while @@fetch_status=0
Insert #TableCount
exec ('select ''' + @name + ''' , count(1) from ' + @name)
print 'Fetching count of table : ' + @name
fetch next from cur into @name
close cur
deallocate cur
--show the data
Select * from #TableCount drop table #tableNames
drop table #TableCount